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Products and technical solutions for the oil and gas industry have accompanied us since the very beginning of BDC’s existence. Thorough research and careful consideration of individual properties of each task allow for the selection of the best technical solutions. We provide agents for boosting the production and extraction of crude oil and natural gas, as well as cementing agents. We offer pipeline cleaning agents, drilling fluids, oil additives and special materials.

Materials for the oil and gas industry


Drilling fluid components

We supply all kinds of viscosity enhancers, surfactants, filtration reducers, shale stabilizers, lubricants and many other products that are components of muds for deep vertical drilling.

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BDC materials for cements

Cementing agents

We have specialized cement additives. Our product line includes: cement retarders, materials reducing the filtration of the slurry, fluidizers, defoamers, as well as products preventing gas migration.

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Lost Circulation Materials (LCM)

Fluid loss prevention materials

We offer professional LCM agents that solve problems with the circulation of mud in the boreholes. The materials that eliminate fluid leaks are products of natural origin ground to the required diameters. They are added to the drilling fluid in the appropriate forms and sizes corresponding to the existing geological conditions and fluid recipe.

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Weighting materials

Weighting agents for drilling fluids

We recommend high-quality scrubber weighting materials – Barite and Hematite, which are characterized by proper density and specific gravity.

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Materials for improving the efficiency of hydrocarbon production

We provide special agents to enhance the extraction of hydrocarbons. Among them are corrosion inhibitors, demulsifiers, foaming agents and defoamers. We also have paraffin solvents and inhibitors, sediment solvents and inhibitors as well as steam additives and hydrogen sulphide and mercaptan neutralizers.

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Materials for boosting hydrocarbon production

Stimulation measures play an irreplaceable role in the extraction of hydrocarbons. We offer: oil-based and water-based fracturing fluids, acid treatment agents, water extraction control agents and sand control agents.

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