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Modiflow 500

Modiflow 500

Modiflow 500 is a versatile product used in drilling operations. It forms self-degrading water-based drilling fluids. It can be used as a base product for non-clay drilling fluids as well as an additive for bentonite muds. Modiflow 500 is a polymer used in hydrogeological drilling, well drilling, and horizontal directional drilling to increase the viscosity of drilling fluids and acts as a filtration reducer, may be used in combination with loss prevention agents. The microgranule form ensures ease and speed of complete dissolution in water without the risk of sediment formation and lumping.

Reasons to Use

  • Biodegradable
  • Provides wellbore stability in hydrophilic formations
  • Recommended as a protective colloid for reservoir drilling fluids due to its ability to form a thin, flexible filter cake, preventing the invasion of solid phases and filtrate into the reservoir rock
  • Inhibits the hydration of clay rocks, stabilizing the wellbore wall in formations with a slight tendency to swell under the influence of drilling fluid water
  • Ensures proper hole cleaning and enhances core recovery
  • Minimizes torque and drilling fluid pressure
  • Modiflow500 is an environmentally friendly and eco-conscious drilling product, designed to provide efficient performance while being biodegradable and minimizing ecological impact.


  • Effective in both freshwater and saltwater
  • Easy to mix due to its microgranule form
  • Inhibits clays, preventing their swelling (hydration)
  • Degrades after the application of calcium or sodium hypochlorite
  • Stable up to 120°C
  • Provides low operational and waste disposal costs
  • Modiflow 500 is an environmentally friendly and eco-conscious drilling product, designed to provide efficient performance while being biodegradable and minimizing ecological impact.


Add 2-5 kg/m³ through a funnel or another system with a venturi nozzle.


25 kg multilayer paper bags with PE lining.


Order an additional service

We offer a wide range of services, including mud service, selection of a drilling fluid to meet specific requirements, laboratory testing of drilling fluids and recycling of drilling fluids.

Optimize the cost of drilling

By taking care of managing the waste produced during drilling, you can significantly reduce the consumption of consumables.