Best drilling chemicals
Since 1976
At the beginning of its activity, Best Drilling Chemicals was strictly a supplier of materials and services for oil and well drilling. Along with the development of horizontal directional drilling and microtunnelling, the Company’s field of expertise expanded to include this field of drilling.We work with the largest companies and best research institutions in the HDD industry. Presently we aim to meet all the needs of our customers related to horizontal drilling, microtunnelling and civil engineering in general.
HDD and Microtunnelling
Civil Engineering
Oil and Gas
Geothermal and Well Drilling
Refining Industry
Waste Management
We have been working with the trenchlesstechnologies industry from the very beginning ifits existence. We have created and delivered aunique drilling system for any pipelineinstallation: from small to even the largest(involving drilling rigs with a pulling forceexceeding 500 tons). We deliver products forDirect Pipe, Microtunneling and TBM technologies.Our transporting agents, lubricants andflocculants have been proven in the most demandingconditions.
Solutions with high insulating properties areindispensable in excavation, road works andhydrotechnical works. Sealtonite series CivilEngineering Products in a mixture with bentoniteand sand acquire exceptional insulatingproperties, far superior to traditional mineralunderlayments. The coherent gel structure preventscontaminants from entering the soil, air or water.
We provide agents for boosting the production andextraction of crude oil and natural gas, as wellas cementing agents. We also offer pipelinecleaning agents, drilling fluids, oil additivesand special materials. We will thoroughly examineyour crude oil and other materials. This is how wewill select the most appropriate dedicatedtechnical solution.
We supply agents for geothermal energy and welldrilling, including specialized biodegradablepolymers, drilling bentonites and sealing agentsin the form of bentonite rolls. We support ourclients with technical knowledge and a range ofchemicals ready for any geological conditions.
We offer chemicals used at all stages of crude oilprocessing. We provide, among others desalinators,demulsifiers, anti-sludge agents, corrosioninhibitors, neutralizers: pH buffers and hydrogensulfide neutralizers. We also offer chemicals forapplications such as water treatment, waste oilrecycling, defoaming, descaling and paraffincontrol.
We have introduced innovative mud recyclingsystems. These devices help managing the wasteproduced during drilling and optimize theconsumption of drilling materials. As a result,the purchase costs of drilling materials and thecosts of utilization of drilling fluid dropsignificantly.